Becoming a Nobody

The church I'm a part of has been reading through John's Gospel together for the last couple of months. I'm always impressed by the Lord's ability to breathe life into the Scriptures time and again when His people come to Him with expectant hearts. It seems that every week someone different brings something from his or her experience that matches what we're reading at the time.
What struck me this past weekend was how Jesus' disciples were getting worked up about his announcement that he was leaving them. They were troubled for a lot of reasons. But I'm becoming increasingly aware of one reason in particular that I would not have understood in the past.
After he leaves, how would they become important people in God's kingdom? Each one of them wanted to sit at his right hand when he came into power. Each one wanted to be somebody special. And Jesus was their ticket to greatness.
I have observed that this ulterior motive runs underneath more than anyone can see on the surface. I have also observed that God is not very fond of this mentality. He rather ruthlessly eliminates your chances of being something great... IF you're lucky!
The thing is, sometimes He doesn't. Sometimes He DOES make someone great. I suspect one of two things is happening there. Either that individual has earned His trust through years of testing and "education" at His hand, or else he/she has no such experience and He is just giving him/her what he/she deserves. A rather empty trophy and 15 minutes of fame. But when the lights fade and the cameras turn off, nothing is left but a stinging awareness that only God is great. Human greatness is an oxymoron.
He that will gain his life must first lose it. Trust that He will do what is right.
Thank the Lord for Brothers like you. You helped me remember the Truth with just a few words (Word).
Your Eternal Sis,
The Lord sees things way different than we do.
"Great" or "important" can mean different things to different people of course...
Who's great or 'important'?
Joel Olsteen?
Watchman Nee?
Jim Baker?
....and then there's my uncle Ray. You don't know him...and neither does anyone else reading this...., and you probably never will, but he is great. I know it, and so do many others.
He's patient and kind...doesn't keep record of wrongs,...suffered alot, doesn't seek his own.
Reminds me of SomeOne else.....
So when do you know you have been given what you deserve?
At the end of the game.
And we will.
There is nothing you can do in life that is greater than being a simple brother in the church.
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