Sunday, January 08, 2006

From blog to bluuuhg!

I've been sick now for 16 days. It's just ridiculous, you know? The day after I got out for Christmas break I got some chest congestion and fever. Then the family started passing around strep and diarrhea. Then my congestion developed into pneumonia. Give me a break. Fever comes and goes from time to time, and the fluid in my lungs keeps me from breathing normally, and I have to sleep upright if I am to get any sleep.

School starts back tomorrow and I'll be reporting for duty since I don't see much point in lying around the house any longer. Besides, the last thing I want to do is use up my sick days on something as unpleasant as being sick! I need those days for other things (like when my wife or kids get sick, or when I've got a dozen errands to run that cannot be done after school hours).

Yesterday was probably the hardest part. I had to get up at 5:00am and drive an hour and a half to take three teacher's exams that took all day. I am told that before next year special ed teachers (who often teach multiple subjects) have to pass national exams in every subject area they will be teaching. I teach Literature, Geography, Math, Science, and Health. I anticipate teaching History in the future as well, plus I've got two other general content tests to take (and I've already passed two!) So I've got some cash to fork out (each of these tests costs me around $80).

Well, no great inspirational words today. Just illness. It's like Maslow pointed out: the drive for higher things often gets postponed until certain physical needs are taken care of. At least, that's where I am at the moment. I trust I'll find that I still have a spirit once I can breathe again. Until then, Lord.... This too is from You.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Neil... I'm sorry that I only had dog food to leave on your doorstep for you.


9:57 AM  
Blogger GraceHead said...

Sounds like you have the bird-flu!
There will be panic in the streets!

Thanks for letting us know that we are all doomed!

10:08 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

oh, yeah. Ha, Ha Trent! Bird Flu, shmird flu. We had the crud forEVAH. (Thanksgiving to Christmas) Pleased to report we have recovered. Hope the tests went well!!!

9:50 PM  
Blogger Bill Heroman said...

Okay, you win again! Your life totally suh-huh-hucks! Hey, man. Better you than me!

Great bluuug!

12:11 AM  
Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

Hope you're feeling better by now...

2:20 PM  

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